I wish I could tell you I’ve never experienced feelings of envy as I stood talking to a mom whose children excel academically.
Her children read and test above level in every subject. Her children are articulate and precocious. Her children are everything it seems a child destined for life success ought to be.
I wish I could say I’ve never pasted on a smile and gushed compliments throughout such a conversation, all the while struggling inwardly with an awful sense of injustice: How is it fair that ALL her kids are such quick, easy learners? Doesn’t every family deserve at least one who struggles?
Sorry. I’m not proud of feelings like that, but I’m a mom. And a homeschooling mom at that! And you know as well as I do that we moms often measure ourselves by the successes, (or failures,) of our children. And having a struggling learner is tough. Until you’ve dealt with it, it’s impossible to understand the frustration and the discouragement it can create for both parent and child.
And yet, there are some amazing things I could never have learned except through the blessing of a struggling learner…
Without my struggling learner, I may never have discovered alternative educational methods.
Without my struggling learner, it might have been easy to forget that worth is not determined by grading systems and being “gifted” extends far beyond IQ tests.
Without my struggling learner, I may never have learned how to encourage other moms whose children are struggling, too.

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I loved this. As a high school teacher, I learn so much from the students with whom I share my days. There is so much to be learned from struggling learners. You are so right when you say "worth is not determined by grading systems" and that "gifts extend far past IQ." I love when I get to write college recommendations for my students or have conferences (or phone calls or emails) with their parents, it is then that I can describe not only students' "performance" in the classroom but their other talents and gifts that make them unique and wonderful. Thanks for this!!
I can only imagine the wide range of talents and abilities you see in a classroom of kids! I know my own children are so vastly different from one another and I can't imagine not valuing and appreciating those differences and each of those "hidden strengths".
I'm so glad you stopped by today!
What a beautiful blog & family you have. Thank you for your fantastic post today. I also homeschool!
I am visiting from The Homemaking Party Blog Hop! I look forward to your visit at http://www.homemaker-mom.com/the-homemakers-journey-blog.html
Happy Homemaking!
It's always a pleasure to "meet" a fellow homeschooler! Thanks so much for coming by today!
I've felt exactly the same way, even more so. My oldest was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at age 1 and has always been a few years behind in his development. My second oldest was failure to thrive and last year was diagnosed with an intellectual disability (He is 9 but is on a level of a 3 to 4-year-old). My daughter is also a struggling learner. At 7 she struggles with simple math and reading. My 17-month-old was recently also diagnosed with hydrocephalus and will also be having surgery in 2 weeks. He seems pretty smart but I sometimes sit and wonder if he'll develop "normally." In all this I've learned to not compare my children to others. They are made exactly how God intended. His grace is sufficient for me.
You are dealing with things I can't even imagine, but it sounds to me you've found the key to finding peace and contentment through it all–the assurance that His grace is sufficient. Christ has been my help and my encouragement throughout my homeschooling experience. He always has the strength and the wisdom we need for each day.
I'm so glad you stopped by today, Cheryl!
Tanya, thank you! I stopped by from Raising Mighty Arrows.
I had 5 struggling learners. One read by the time he was 5 without a phonics program. One read before she was 4 by osmosis. FIVE read by the time they were 9. They struggled in learning in different ways. Through homeschooling I learned more than they did and especially about walking with the Lord. I actually think that is a big reason why God called me to homeschool. My youngest son just graduated in December 2012.
That is so true with me, too, Judith! I'm convinced God had more to teach ME through homeschooling than He had for me to teach my kids!
And you have a wonderful testimony– you taught SEVERAL who were struggling learners! That's an incredible encouragement to moms like me who are still working our way through the school years. Thank you for stopping by today!
Beautiful, God Bless. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo
Thanks so much for hosting!
Beautiful share! As a high school special ed teacher, I applaud the different ways you have researched to help your perfectly created child succeed. It is always a struggle and people may never understand a day in your shoes, but you are appreciated.
Thank you so much! I appreciate teachers like you who strive to help struggling learners succeed!
Thanks so much for dropping by today!
Isn't it great that God uses everything in our lives for good if we look for His purposes in it? God bless you as you continue to look at the good.
Thank you so much! God is indeed good and His ways so far above ours. Thanks for stopping by!
I have a struggling student to and I just wanted to thank you for the reminders you gave as we prepare to start a new school year in the coming weeks. I have four children and three of them seem to learn effortlessly…. but that one…. one precious child… not so much.
It sounds like we have very similar situations! But I can honestly say some of the things I've learned through my struggling learner have ended up benefiting ALL my children, including the ones who seem to learn pretty effortlessly.
I hope you have a wonderful school year and that you and your struggling learner, (along with the others,) can make great strides! Thanks so much for visiting!
It is so easy to fall into that comparison trap. Satan does feed us lies, and tempts us to take our eyes off our task at hand.
I enjoyed reading through your post, and found myself saying "boy can I relate!" Thank you for sharing your real life picture, and for encouraging us in doing good works.
It's encouraging to hear I'm not alone sometimes in my feelings! Thank you so much for stopping by!
I LOVE this post! I can so relate! Thank you! I found your blog as I Googled Christian Homeschool Blogs in Kentucky. I am so glad I found you. Great blog. My family is moving to Kentucky on August 11th. I would love any tips or input as we have never even been there! Thanks!
Well it's a pleasure to "meet" you, Kersten! I ADORE Kentucky, but then again I was born and raised here, so I realize I'm terribly partial. But I've lived up north and out west as well and I STILL love my home state! I hope you can come to love it just as much.
It's always a delight to meet a fellow blogger! I'll be visiting justenjoythejourneyladies. The name alone makes me smile! Thanks for visiting!
Hi Tanya,
I am one of your newest followers ( I found you via The Pink Momma Blog Hop). Your post is beautifully written and I thank you for sharing it. I have felt this so many times. My 2-year old was diagnosed with Autism almost 2 months ago. It was so hard to see other kids her age hit their milestones, yet my sweet little girl still wasn't talking (she only knows 4 words today). But we love our little ones and SHE has taught us so much. We are a stronger, closer and more loving and forgiving family today, because of her. She has also brought me closer to God and I am so grateful for everything, even the teeny tiny little things.
Thanks again, I look forward to reading more of your topics.
I'm so glad you stopped by today, Yaumara! It's been amazing to me–in all my efforts to teach my child, I feel like I'M the one who's done the most learning! But it's truly been a wonderful thing for me and though I often wish it could be easier, I wouldn't trade the world for the things I've learned through it all.
I wish you the very best of success with your little one! And thanks again for visiting today!
I loved this! My second born has struggled with severe dyslexia. I have run the full gamut of emotions and felt that same envy you spoke of. But the Lord has slowly shown me what a special guy he is and how his way of learning is unique, not wrong! Thanks so much for linking this beautiful post up with me last week!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share! It's been a great encouragement just to hear from other moms who have struggled with the same emotions. But as with so many others, I've always found His grace sufficient.
Thank you for stopping by today!
As a mother of a child who struggled in math, I understand the frustration. There were times, especially once she got to the sixth grade and beyond, that I couldn't help her with her homework, simply because I didn't have a clue myself. She attends a great public school in California, and excelled at all of her subjects. Things began to change once I found her a math tutor in San Jose. From that point on her grades improved dramatically and she gained more confidence. The extra help was very instrumental to her educational success.
I'm so glad your daughter has made progress! I've found it very helpful to look for new ideas and different approaches and as I'VE learned new things, I've found my daughter doing the same. The two of us are learning together and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Thanks so much for stopping by!