There are certain tools every man wants in his toolbox. Tools are designed to make a task easier, so whether he’s tightening a bolt, loosening a screw, or driving a nail, having the right tool is important.
And, hey, the same is true for housework! Certain cleaning tools make the job easier.
Now I could give you a list a page long of tools that could save you time and make cleaning easier in your home, but it’s Five Things Tuesday, so I am limiting myself to the 5 cleaning tools I think every woman NEEDS to have in her “cleaning toolbox.” Most of these are branded, but not all. Here they are:
Libman Wonder® Mop
I’ve tried a lot of mops and this is my absolute favorite. It’s light and easy to use, it wrings out excess water really well, the head is easy to remove and wash, and it cleans great! For heavier-duty mopping, I’m not sure this would be the best choice, but in your average home tracking in average dirt, I can’t imagine a mop working better.
Extendable Cobweb Duster
These things just have so many handy uses. As their name implies, they’re perfect for getting cobwebs on the ceiling and in high corners, but they’re also great for cleaning ceiling fans, vent covers, and blinds. (Not to mention they can be a pretty effective weapon against creepy bugs in high places! 😉 )
Swiffer® Duster
There are lots of knock-offs of these dusters, but I still think the original works the best. I love the way it picks up dust and I love that it’s soft and easy to reach into all sorts of nooks and crannies. Plus it really lasts a long time! I usually use one several times before I have to change to a refill. Even after the duster starts looking a little rough, it continues to pick up dust. My old-fashioned duster had to be cleaned every time I used it or it was leaving behind more dust than it was picking up!
Scrub Daddy®
This little product that found its way to fame via Shark Tank is one of my FAVORITES! Seriously, I love this little sponge. It’s the best thing I’ve ever used for caked-on food in pots and pans, and it can bring up grease and grime off almost anything. It doesn’t scratch, doesn’t smell, and I love that it dries easily and completely so I’m not growing a bacteria farm on my counter top.
Magic Eraser®
Surely you know the wonders of these little erasers by now. Mr. Clean had the original, but the knock-offs work pretty well, too. While you have to be careful because they can remove paints and finishes, these things are amazing for pulling up dirt a regular rag and cleaner won’t touch. They’re the best thing I’ve ever used for black marks on floors, rust stains on counters, and dirty door frames. They can even take soap scum off your sink and shower walls!
When it’s time to tackle the job of housecleaning, you need the right tools at your fingertips. Though these are only a few of my favorites, I wouldn’t want to be without any of them when it comes to cleaning my home!
Do you have certain tools in your “cleaning toolbox” that you don’t want to be without? What is your favorite cleaning tool?
You’ll find this post linked up with some of these great blogs:
I’ve never even heard of “Scrub Daddy” sponges. I’ll have to check them out! My favorite cleaning tool would have to my microfiber cloths. I use them all the time!! Dusting, cleaning windows, mirrors, counter. I love them!
I had microfiber cloths on my original list, Krystal, and I kept whittling it down to just my favorites! They are great for cleaning and dusting. And you have to find the Scrub Daddy! It has such a strange, tough texture, but it’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever used for caked-on pans and dishes. Plus it scrubs things off of floors and counters and just about every other surface you can think of!
I will definitely check it out!!
How fun that you do a “5 Things” post each week, too! I do one on Saturdays called “5 After 5” ( if you ever want to check it out). It would be fun to coordinate our topics and collaborate sometime – let me know if you ever want to!
I have a lot of fun with my “5” post. I’ll have to check out yours!
I’m currently out of Magic Erasers but I love them! I use them for so many things. I currently am using a Swiffer Wet Jet but used to use a refillable version before it broke. I honestly don’t think I’ll go back to a traditional mop until after my children are older. I love the ease of being able to mop quickly when stuff gets tracked in. My mom had one of those cobweb dusters (a Webster) years ago when they first came out. She loved it for cleaning her ceiling fans the most. (visiting from A Little R & R Wednesdays)
A Webster! I think that was the first one I had ever seen, but I couldn’t remember the name of it and I’m not sure that they still make it under that name. But it is super handy! I have a WetJet, too, that I really like, but not for doing my entire floor, though it’s great for quick wipe-ups.
We all have our favorite cleaning weapons! Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂
Great review! I’m going to look for the Scrub Daddy scrubs. Thanks for sharing!
It’s a handy little item for sure! So glad you stopped by today, Cheryl!
I think I need one of those cobweb dusters! Or as my mother used to call them, “Irish curtains.” Not sure where she ever got that (and no offense if you’re Irish, so am I among other things LOL). Thanks for sharing some helpful tools. I’m visiting today from Mom’s the Word. Have a great week!
An Irish curtain?? I wonder where on earth that name came from! Oh well, whatever you call it, it’s handy! I love mine. And thanks so much for visiting today!
Thanks for sharing at the #InspirationSpotlight Shared
Thanks for the opportunity to do so! 🙂
No mom with kids can live without these tools in their armory.
I agree, Dina! These are my must-haves…
Thanks for sharing! And I have a idea.. when you need something a little more detailed than a scrub brush, a toothbrush is a great option. Disinfect some old toothbrushes and put them to work on grout, sink rims and all the other nooks and crannies in your house.
We keep some of our old toothbrushes for just that purpose! My husband uses them, too, for things like cleaning our laptop keyboards and the charging ports on our digital devices. You’re right… they can really come in handy!
I’m so glad I found your site that my wife and I have two children. Thank you for sharing these cleaning tools and they are all necessary in our daily life!