They say necessity is the mother of invention and I believe it with all my heart. Thus my recent creation of Mason jar drinking glasses with lids!
My 13-year old complicates things as well. She’s nearly as accident prone as her mother, (nearly,) but if I hand her a cup like that she looks at me like I’ve just insulted her. (The last time she had a friend over I was respectfully informed beforehand that she would “absolutely die” if I handed her and her friend a cup like this. I should have tried it and seen what “absolutely happened”, but I was nicer than that.)
…and while I loved them in the beginning, I’ve come to like them less and less. They aren’t cheap to begin with, but most of them also are not dishwashable and that is an issue with me. The lids tend to warp and they aren’t easy to clean. I find that if I don’t dig out the plastic seal and wash it separately…every single time…I start seeing a ring of mold around the top of the lid. That’s hardly something I want to find in my drinking glass!
I always have Mason jars a-plenty around here and I figured pints would make for perfect-sized glasses for my crew. Half-pints might work better for smaller children. Like I said, I always have jars around for canning, but you can buy a box of a dozen jars for $10-$15.
I purchased these plastic lids from my local Kroger store and paid $3.79 for a box of eight.
They make these for standard or wide-mouthed jars and they can be put in the top rack of a dishwasher. All they needed was a hole for a straw!
That’s where my trusty drill came into play. (And, yes, the drill below is MY drill. Every girl needs some basic tools for minor repairs and simple do-it-yourself jobs, and a drill is a MUST.)
You can place the hole in the center of the lid if you like, but nearer the edge makes more sense to me. And the plastic will crack if you start out with a large drill bit. (I learned this from experience, so take note!) Start out with a small drill bit, like a 3/32, then gradually work your way up to a 5/16, which is perfect for your average-size straw. Voila!
Now, granted, these are GLASS jars, so I probably wouldn’t let my kids use them if we had tile floors anywhere in the house. Fortunately we do not and our kids generally leave their drinks in one spot, so these have worked really, really well. I actually prefer glass because I think weightier beverage containers are less likely to tip over, even if left in the carpet. But they DO make plastic Mason jars if you’re more comfortable with that idea! I actually need to invest in some of those for when the kids want to carry their drinks outside.
At an outdoor party or cookout, glasses like these would be great for adults. And tied with ribbon or string or burlap, they could add a lovely touch to a get-together.
But for now, my new glasses are working great for our family. They won’t discolor or warp with time, they’re the perfect size, and, considering I have less than $4 invested in 7 glasses, they came at a pretty incredible price!

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Hi Tanya
This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.
It was probably one of the quickest, easiest do-it-yourself projects I've tried in a long time, so of course that was a plus! Thank you for reading, Angel!
I LOVE this! Mason Jars are just cute anyway and to make them kid friendly is even better! Both of my kids (5 & 3) can drink out of glasses… I had a montessori experience that suggested that kids who drank out of glass cups early learned to be more careful with them and spill less. I *gasped* when she handed my (at the time) 1 year old an open glass to drink out of but…. it worked! I was shocked. So, I love the mason jar idea for kids too! I have tried all of those cups you mentioned as well and NONE of them fit the bill! Hopefully these new glasses work!
Jenn@ Teaching2Stinkers.Blogspot.Com
I LOVE Mason jars, too, so any project that includes them is sure to suit my fancy! I hope you can try these and they work for you as well as they're working for our family.
Thank you so much for stopping by today!
I have been looking into doing this for a while. We use mason jars alot to drink out of anyway. The plastic screw on lids would be perfect! I never thought of those. I have only seen online of using the metal rings and lids, but then you have to cover up the sharp edges with something or sand it down when you drill a hole….so that's why I've put it off…too many steps, ha! But I'll definitely be on the look out for those plastic lids!!! Perfect! Thanks!
You're right…I had heard of using the metal lids as well but, just like you said, those sharp edges don't exactly make that idea kid-friendly. I didn't even know if they made plastic lids when I started looking for some. Now I'm thinking of buying more so I can use glass jars more often just for storage.
Thanks for dropping in today, Angela!
What a neat idea! I've seen a lot of variations on the mason jar becoming a glass with and without lids and this is definitely the most practical, which I LOVE! Quick question, as someone who's frequently experiencing the mold issues (makes me crazy) with rubber seals on our sippy cups too, how do these plastic lids seal, I assume you're not having trouble?
Rebecca Swafford
These are just screw-on lids, like a lid on a mayonnaise jar, so no seals to worry about and no mold! If it's full and it falls over, of course it leaks out of the straw hole, but I've not any problems with any leaking from the sides. The lids fit tightly, so they've worked great for us!
that's awesome! I'm definitely making us some! thanks for sharing!
I never knew they made plastic lids for canning jars! Thanks for the revelation! This is such a great idea!
So glad to share! I just wish I'd known sooner myself! And thanks for reading, Jenifer!
Love love this idea! Thanks for sharing!!
Come link up with me today!
Thanks for reading! And thank you for the invitation, Jennie!
Such a great idea! Love it! Stopping by from the Thursday's Favorite Things hop, and I'd love for you to drop by my blog if you get the chance. Have a great weekend!
Diary of a Debutante
Glad you found me, Stephanie! And I'll check out your blog for sure. Thanks so much for stopping by today!
These are awesome! I've seen them made with the metal bands and lids before. I tried making those, and they were terrible. I've never thought of using these plastic lids. I will definitely look at them at the canning supplies soon. I would LOVE to do this!
I had seen the metal lids, too, but I knew that would leave sharp edges, which is hardly a good idea with little kids! These have been perfect. I hope you can try these, Shan, and enjoy them as much as I have!
Our glasses are mason jars with handles on them, and these lids are a great ideas for those, too!
I think that would be perfect! I actually had some glasses that were similar and was really disappointed when lids like these wouldn't fit. I love the Mason jars with handles!
Brilliant! I knew there had to be a better way. I'd like to find some of the skinnier 12 oz jars.
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage