There’s something about the New Year that makes you want to reevaluate your entire life: Your relationships. Your priorities. Your diet. Your checkbook. Your sock drawer.
But what about your homeschool? While I realize January isn’t the start of the school year for most homeschoolers, I still think it’s a great time to do some evaluation when it comes to your homeschool. For many, January falls about mid-year, and that can actually be a good time to take a long, hard look at how things are going.
What’s working? What isn’t? Are there products I need to buy? Are there things I need to pitch? Doing a little homeschool inventory in the first month of 2016 may be the perfect thing to help bring about a successful end to your school year.
Not sure where to start? Here is a basic list of questions to ask yourself as you take inventory of your homeschool:
How are our curriculum choices for this year working out?
While I really don’t believe it’s curriculum that ultimately makes or breaks a homeschool, I know from experience the stress and dissatisfaction a poor curriculum choice can bring to the educating process. A lotof things can contribute to problems in your homeschool, but don’t be so devoted to a certain curriculum company that you aren’t willing to make changes for what is best for your child…