It’s amazing the way homeschooling changes how you think!
I didn’t used to look at the simple and mundane things of life and see incredible learning opportunities, nor did I become giddy with excitement over discounted classroom visuals, local battle reenactments, and free museum admissions. (Not to mention curriculum giveaways and homeschool conventions!!)
But over time the homeschooling mom develops a keen sense of the teachable moment–a sort of prowess for anything and everything that might ignite a love for learning in her children, for something that brings to life the things she’s taught them in a way that will cement it in their minds forever.
I had one of those thrilling, (and admittedly nerdy,) moments of giddiness last week when I heard a snippet of a news story on the radio.
What?! Replicas of the Nina and the Pinta?! Right there in downtown Louisville?! It was simply too good to be true, and perfectly timed considering Christopher Columbus was the first unit in our study of U.S. History.
So, though I hadn’t exactly planned on a field trip quite so soon, we ventured off for a day in the big city!

Explaining the enthusiasm that comes with homeschooling is well, almost impossible. It's sort of like the good, solid feeling you have inside when you've done something right. With homeschooling, you have that year round. Knowing you are doing a wonderful thing for your children is a reward in & of itself.
So true! Knowing you have such a pivotal role in what your children learn is scary to some, I suppose, and I understand that. But it's very fulfilling at the same time. And being able to bring FUN into learning makes it even better!
What a fun day you had! We have a teachable moment coming in November. The King Tut exhibit is in Seattle, and tickets are normally $27 for adults and $16 for students. Through the homeschool association, we can get them for $8.50 each! We won't be missing this opportunity even though it is several hour drive away!
Oh, that sounds like a "don't miss" for sure! Sometimes the key is just being aware of what's going on in the area and snatching up the good deals when they present themselves. On one cold and snowy day we heard that a local historical museum, (which has a pretty expensive admission price,) was offering free admission for that day only! We did NOT let it pass up by! And we've purchased discounted tickets to historical sites through Groupon as well!