Some folks call it the “winter blues”, but whatever you call it, I’m pretty sure I’ve got it! I suffer from SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder.
The key is continuing on, taking it a day at a time. But there are a few things I’m learning can help me homeschool through those long, dark days of winter.
I need to keep praying!
I need to get outside!
Natural light is a natural mood booster, so if I can get outdoors, even in less-than-perfect weather and especially on a sunny day, I need to do so! I can take a field trip. We can go to the library. I can round up the kids and take a drive in the country. Just spending a few minutes outside in the yard can make a big difference in how I feel!
I need to stay active!
On those cold winter mornings it’s hard sometimes to poke a big toe out of the covers, let alone get up and be active! But for years researchers have known exercise releases endorphins that act as natural spirit-lifters. A regular exercise regimen is ideal, but just being active around the house can have a huge impact on how I feel.
I need to change things up a little!
Sometimes I have to quit being so rigid about the scheduling and try something different in our homeschool day, just to break up the monotony. The occasional snow day, (even if there’s no snow!) can be just what the doctor ordered, but it’s also pretty amazing what a help it can be just to ditch the norm for a day or two. Here are a few ideas for those days when maybe you need a break from the usual routine and the normal schoolwork:
- Spend a day cooking up some of your favorite recipes
- Scour Pinterest for simple science projects to do together
- Work on art projects or handicrafts. The ENTIRE DAY.
- Create a lapbook about something the kids have been studying
- Spend a whole day reading, whether out loud as a group or individually
- Head out for a field trip!
- Spend the day watching videos, movies, or documentaries related to your recent studies.
- Construct a Colonial Army tent in your child’s bedroom or reenact the Battle of Waterloo in your family room
- Have a Home Ec day where everyone works together to pick up, clean, and organize the home
- Play board games together
Learning is hardly confined to workbooks and lectures and regular routines. Sometimes a change of pace can help me relax and refocus, not to mention it can encourage some remarkable learning in my kiddos!
I need to watch what I’m eating!

Spring has a way of putting a little bounce back into our homeschool. I think it’s a combination of warmer weather, more daylight hours, the rebirth of nature, and homeschool conventions! But until that time, I want to carry on in our homeschool to the best of my ability!
These are great ideas and reminders. Winter is so hard on me, I miss being outside in the sun. I love the cold, but I am on a night shift so I see about 3 hours of sunlight when I get up during the winter. Ugh! I need to make sure to run outside even if for a few minutes everyday. I love the idea of reenacting the Battle of Waterloo! ๐
Getting only three hours of daylight a day would be tough. I feel for you! But even when it's miserably cold, it does help me to get outside. And God blessed me with a home that is bathed in morning sunshine. He knew I would need that!
So glad you stopped by today!
Oh, I know how you feel…I have it, too. And to make matters worse, we can't leave the house right now because we're snowed in. The fact that we unschool helps A LOT. If you're not unschoolers, just let them explore their own interests on your low days. One thing that lifts my spirits is watching movies with a summer setting. It reminds me that warmer weather is coming! Try Dinotopia- it works wonders for me!
I LOVE being snowed in! For a while, that is. It can get old VERY quickly! But I definitely agree that unschooling, or at least a more relaxed approach to homeschooling, can be very helpful through the long, dismal days of winter.
Thanks so much for reading today, Shelly!
This definitely seems to be a common theme right now ~ I'm such a schedule person, but this week we decided to just take completely off and reset! The long cold days and dreary skies have definitely taken their toll on me this year! This week off has been a huge blessing and definitely given us the opportunity mix things up and try to start getting out of that funk! I already have spring fever!!! ๐ Great post!
Consider it an early spring break! ๐ You're so right — sometimes we just need a little time to recharge and when we get it, it can make a world of difference.
And I'm with you, Jenn! I am sooo ready for spring!
Our homeschool group leader sent out an email a couple of weeks ago titled "Spring Semester Blues." As a former public school teacher they said their county purposefully scheduled at least one '4 day week' per month during January thru March to give teachers a little break.
It must be catchy?!
I think these winter months get LONG for everybody. Of course with all the snow this year, the poor public school teachers and students will be going to school well into summer! I'm glad we're still on track to finish in May! Otherwise I might be talking about the "June Blues". ๐ That's just one of the many benefits of homeschooling!
Excellent reminders! I didn't realize any of this affected me until we were moved up to Alaska. The darkness was so very tough on all of us ๐ The first winter was pretty nasty for our homeschool/family. But how great that you understand this about yourself and you actively fight back!!
I really can't imagine how difficult a change that would be! We usually have VERY mild winters here and it's still a struggle for me sometimes. But I'm learning how to deal with it better. Given your experience, I'm sure you could teach me a lot!
Thanks so much for reading, Kay!
Hi Tayna, I just found your through the Faith Filled Friday Blog Link. I can so relate to what you are saying about the February Slump. I will be praying for you. The winter can feel so long!
Thank you so much! I've actually faired much better this winter and I am SO thankful for that. Maybe I'm finally learning how to deal with it. It's actually been very encouraging just to find I'm the only one who deals with feelings like that!
Hello Tanya, An excellent post. I too suffer from SAD. I wrote a post called "Fighting the January Blahs" http://www.ahhthesimplelife.com/fighting-january-blahs/ – it's interesting that we both came up with several of the same ideas! Just recently I posted "Spring Almost in View" http://www.ahhthesimplelife.com/spring-almost-in-view/ – I wrote it for myself as well as my readers. Wow! I was feeling the winter blues that day. Be well! Spring is almost in view! Cheers! Carol
Bring on the spring! Warmer weather and sunnier days can't get here soon enough. I hope your 'neck of the woods' is blessed with them very soon as well!
I live in the Pacific NorthWET and sure do miss the sunny but cold days of late winter in KY! After 13 years of homeschooling, I *know* to expect a mid-winter slump– and plan for it! This year, we're doing a fun Olympics unit study to liven things up a bit. Definitely makes for more fun in our days!
WET!! That's exactly what I've heard of winters, (and much of the rest of the time!) in the northwest! I imagine that would take a lot of getting used to. But it sounds like you have a handle on the "February Blues" as an experienced homeschooler. I'm learning to be better prepared and this year has gone far smoother than in the past. Unit studies are such a great way of changing it up! So glad you're having a blast with yours!
We just talked aout this at our ladies bible study. Great information and encouragement for all homeschool moms. Thanks for sharing. It's my first time at your blog and I can't wait to read more!!
Thanks so much. So glad you found me! ๐
You are right on! Thank you for this list of suggestions. Also, you will benefit from Vitamin D3 and from virgin coconut oil by the TBSP (it is hard to take that much w/o putting it in something). God bless your family and your homeschool. I appreciate you Moms so much. I'm in a new season now and know you can make it with the Lord's help!! It is so worth it.
Thanks for the good reminders! I'm featuring this today at Think Tank Thursday. http://saving4six.com/2014/02/welcome-to-think-tank-thursday-69.html
Thank you so very much!
I struggle with the winter blahs as well. I'm thankful that the weather is finally starting to warm up here in Texas. The first warm day I felt my mood change instantly. And homeschooling when you feel blah is really, really hard!
The warm days we've experienced here have been a HUGE mood-lifter for me, too. Of course now it's back to cold. But at least now I know spring is just around the corner!
Thanks for reading, Jenn!
I found you through the Growing Home link up and had to check it out. I'm a SAD sufferer as well. And I just blogged about some of the ways that I deal with it ( http://aimedattheheart.com/2014/02/24/6-tips-for-beating-winter-blues/ ).
As for SAD while homeschooling, we unschool so that helps a lot. I try to make a concerted effort to spend focused time each day just playing with my children. Allowing myself to get into their world and making use of their imaginations and light heartedness helps a lot ๐