There’s no question about it: you can have a happy, fully successful homeschool year without ever attending a homeschooling convention. You can provide your children with a solid education and be a positive, focused, contented homeschooling mom or dad, all without ever setting one foot into a homeschool convention.
So why am I so adamant that homeschoolers make the effort to attend one?
The fact is, I know how much my first visit to a homeschooling convention impacted me and my homeschool, and how all my visits since have encouraged and inspired me as a homeschooling mom. How could I not want to share that with others?
Here are 5 reasons I think every homeschooling mom, (and dad!) should try to attend a homeschool convention:
1. It is so encouraging to see you’re not alone on your homeschooling journey.
I have friends who homeschool — several of them, in fact — and yet it is still so easy to begin feeling like I’m all alone, or at least that we’re all alone, like we’re an incredible minority in a world that so often views us as either superhuman or super-peculiar for our decision to homeschool our kids.
But when you walk into a homeschooling convention and see all those families — lots of other moms and dads from all sorts of places and backgrounds who have made the same decision for their children — it is so incredibly uplifting! And I can’t tell you the times I’ve been blessed by a random conversation with another mom who I quickly learned had questions or struggles similar to my own.
2. You can come away with fresh ideas and much-needed inspiration.
I don’t care how long you’ve been homeschooling or how successful you’ve been in it, I don’t think any homeschooling mom or dad ever reaches the point they couldn’t still learn a thing or two from someone else. Sometimes people with other personalities, gifts, and experiences can offer suggestions that can be a tremendous help in your homeschool. I’ve learned simple things, like helping my son focus by allowing him to stand up while he does his math, and much bigger things, like when and where to seek help for learning disabilities. And again and again I’ve heard messages that motivated me and strengthened my resolve to keep up what I was doing and to do it better than before.
3. You can learn ways to strengthen your family.
I would think most of us could agree that our homeschools are only as strong as our families. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the number of sessions I’ve seen at homeschool conventions aimed at strengthening marriages, parent-child bonds, and even sibling relationships.
Maybe you’ve got it all figured out, but sometimes I need encouragement in these areas. I need advice for how to be a better wife and mom. When I improve in these areas, it will inherently affect my homeschool in a positive way.
4. You can receive spiritual encouragement.
I could write an entire post about the workshop my husband and I once attended about family devotions. Yes, it offered creative suggestions and ideas for family worship, but one of the speaker’s simple object lessons ministered to us in ways I can’t begin to explain. Given some personal circumstances we were dealing with at the time, it was an unbelievably timely source of help and encouragement to us! That same sort of thing has happened over and over when I’ve visited homeschool conventions.
While there is a growing secular arm within the homeschooling movement, it’s probably safe to say most homeschooling conventions are still overwhelmingly Christian. That means Bible-based teaching and resources are abundant, and spiritual encouragement is available to those in need of it.
5. You have access to LOTS of curricula and other homeschooling resources, often at a discount.
I never can decide which excites me more — interesting workshop sessions or the exhibit hall! I’ll read websites and pour over reviews, but there is nothing like holding a curricula in my hand before making a judgement about its purchase. And I’ve stumbled across some incredible resources at homeschool conventions I would likely never have discovered any other way.
Be warned that conventions don’t always offer the best prices on curricula, (this is where a smartphone comes in pretty handy for quick price checks before you buy,) but you’ll often find very good deals on new or used books and materials. I don’t normally make all my curriculum purchases at homeschool conventions, but I always take away notes and information to help me make my choices later.

Great post and I couldn't agree more! Have a wonderful time at your convention and I hope it gives you encouragement and strength. Holly
Thank you so much, Holly! And thanks for reading!
Thank you for linking and sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥
Thank you for the chance to link up!
I can't wait to someday go to a homeschool convention. The TTD ones looks wonderful. The Opryland hotel is pretty crazy. We've wondered through there a few times when visiting Nashville. What a place.
It is BEAUTIFUL! I think it just adds to the fun of the convention. And I hope you get to go someday, too, Deanna!
Tanya…I probably needed to read this. I do like homeschool conventions but the one closest to us is not that great. However, I have been thinking about going anyways. It'll probably be the last one I attend since my daughter is a junior this year. And I do think there is much encouragement to be had by those who attend if the convention is done with that in mind. Thank you for sharing your post at WJIM's Monday's Musings. Have a blessed week.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to link up! Certainly some conventions are better than others. :/ But I hope you get to go to one that is as encouraging to you as some of those I've attended!
I remember my first homeschool convention. I was so overwhelmed I ran into the bathroom and cried a little, lol! I just had NO idea what curriculum to choose and there were so many. I prayed, sniffed, and just started look and comparing and found something that I was very pleased and encouraged to find!
I went for several years and I LOVED seeing all the ideas and supplies available. It can be overwhelming but there's just so much good stuff to see out there! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday linky party!
I DEFINITELY understand being overwhelmed. The first convention I went to was a HUGE one and I was like a deer in headlights! But it really opened my eyes to a whole new world of resources I had never known was available.
Thanks so much for reading! And for the chance to link up!