Good history books, documentaries, and even historical fiction and film can teach us a lot about the past. But if you're looking for the best, most telling, most accurate way to study history, you really need to check out primary source documents. By that I mean things like … [Read more...]
The History I’ve Discovered in My Family Tree
I have always believed that where a person came from is not nearly so important as where they are going. We can't change our heritage, after all, but we can change our direction for the future, which is a beautiful thing. At the same time, God Himself put great emphasis upon heritage. … [Read more...]
October Book Share — Adopted Son
Last month I shared with you one of my favorite kids' books. Revolutionary Friends is the true story of the father/son relationship between George Washington and the young Marquis de Lafayette of France. Adopted Son by David A. Clary is the same fascinating narrative, but for … [Read more...]
March Book Share — 1776
I love fiction. Really. I can appreciate a good story line, and if it's written well, then I'm hooked! But if I can read a captivating story that is also fully true, that is all the better! History is filled with fascinating true stories. Sadly, a lot of people … [Read more...]
February Children’s Book Share — King George: What Was His Problem
If you know me or read here at My New Kentucky Home very often, you'll find out I am a lover of history, and of American history in particular. Last month's Children's Book Share was Lewis and Clark on the Trail of Discovery, an amazing book that is as visually stunning as it is interesting … [Read more...]
Homeschooling with Mr. Whittaker
If you've never been introduced to Adventures in Odyssey, my, what you've missed! Focus on the Family's audio drama/comedy began in 1987, so a generation has come up listening to and closely following the antics and adventures of the crew at a special ice cream shop called … [Read more...]