When I first started into homeschooling, and especially as I began following various homeschooling blogs and Facebook pages, I was pretty amused at the things I found were controversial in the homeschooling community. I once got wrapped up in a pretty heated discussion about whether or … [Read more...]
Do-It-Yourself Book Snowballs
While I'm trying very hard to acclimate myself to the world of e-books, there are few things I find warmer and lovelier than an old-fashioned hard-copy book. I love the look. I love the feel. I even love the smell! And the more the pages yellow and become dog-eared, both … [Read more...]
Encouraging Your Children Toward Good Books
Charlotte Mason called it "twaddle". And twaddle is a real word, though not one most people are familiar with, and certainly not one people, (at least those outside of the CM homeschooling community,) use very often. But Dictionary.com defines twaddle as, "trivial, feeble, silly, or … [Read more...]