I love books. I love big, thick novels penned by wordy English writers and footnote-heavy volumes by American historians. I usually have at least two or three books in the works at any one time, but usually of different genres, so I don't get confused. Or bored. And … [Read more...]
September Children’s Book Share — Revolutionary Friends
If you know me very well at all, then you know how much I love American history; the Revolutionary War period in particular. It's an incredible true story filled with action and adventure, and it involved so many fascinating personalities. Like the Marquis de Lafayette of France. Ever … [Read more...]
March Children’s Book Share — The Scrambled States of America
I'm all for fun books. But fun books that also teach my kids something... THOSE are my favorites! My kids have loved this book for a long time. Somewhere in our whole moving process it was buried and forgotten for a while, but it's being put to use again in our home and homeschool, and … [Read more...]
January Children’s Book Share — Lewis and Clark on the Trail of Discovery: The Journey That Shaped America
Two weeks ago I told you I want to share some of my favorite books with you so you can add them to your To-Be-Read list. But I don't want to focus on "mom books" and leave out the kids! Whether you're a homeschooling mom or just a mom who wants to get her kids reading, you're probably … [Read more...]
Encouraging Your Children Toward Good Books
Charlotte Mason called it "twaddle". And twaddle is a real word, though not one most people are familiar with, and certainly not one people, (at least those outside of the CM homeschooling community,) use very often. But Dictionary.com defines twaddle as, "trivial, feeble, silly, or … [Read more...]