It's seems like a no-brainer, right? Go to the big-name homeschooling curriculum website, add "Grade X" kit to your shopping cart, click 'submit order', and then wait for the box of books to arrive on your doorstep. Bam! You're ready to homeschool! What could be easier? So if … [Read more...]
September Book Share: The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling
--I took a break over the summer, but it's time to bring the Book Shares back! I love sharing some of my favorite books with you, and I hope you can find some interesting, fun, and informative reads among them. -- When I first began to explore the idea of homeschooling, I read every … [Read more...]
May Book Share — Home Sweet Homeschool
When I was first considering homeschooling, I went to my local library and checked out every book they had on homeschooling. Every. single. one. And I read them all, because I wanted as much information about homeschooling methods and philosophies and curricula as I could … [Read more...]
January Children’s Book Share — Lewis and Clark on the Trail of Discovery: The Journey That Shaped America
Two weeks ago I told you I want to share some of my favorite books with you so you can add them to your To-Be-Read list. But I don't want to focus on "mom books" and leave out the kids! Whether you're a homeschooling mom or just a mom who wants to get her kids reading, you're probably … [Read more...]
Tips for Wrapping Up Your Homeschool Year
We're done!!! With the exception of a field trip I have planned for today, homeschool for the 2015-2016 year is complete and I'm left with the task of tying up all the loose ends to officially close out this year and prepare for next. So what steps does a homeschooling mom take to … [Read more...]
My Homeschool Convention Finds
Last week I went to my first homeschool convention of the year and came home, as usual, refreshed and rejuvenated, with more catalogs and notes and free info than I could ever find the time to sort through. And I also came home with some pretty awesome purchases! Interestingly … [Read more...]
How to Prep for a Homeschool Convention
Finally, homeschool convention season is here! If you don't homeschool then of course that means nothing to you. And if you do homeschool and you've never considered attending a convention, it may still mean nothing to you. But homeschool conventions are like a lifeline for me. I go to … [Read more...]
My 4 Favorite Books About Homeschooling (Plus Some Honorable Mentions)
The moment I began considering homeschooling, I immediately started reading everything I could get my hands on on the subject. I poured over homeschooling websites and blogs and read every single homeschooling book available at our local library. I still love reading about … [Read more...]