I am not a fan of winter. Cold weather, layered clothing, and dreary skies just don't appeal to me. Snow makes it more tolerable, at least from a visual standpoint, but snow is really cold and really confining. Not that we get a lot of snow most years anyway. No, … [Read more...]
But There’s Grace
I haven't been here in a long time. I haven't forgotten my blog. I haven't meant to forsake it. In fact, I've been meaning to return for a very long time. I just kept thinking, "When this is done, I'll blog again. When we reach that point, I'll start … [Read more...]
Why Christian Symbols in the Home are Important
It's something I don't see as often anymore, but as a child I remember many of my Christian friends having giant family Bibles on display in their homes. Now these were hardly practical, easy-to-use Bibles. We had one ourselves that we displayed atop our massive 1970s stereo cabinet -- the … [Read more...]
Five Ways to Make Visitors to Your Church Feel Welcome
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if they did online reviews of churches in the same way they do of restaurants and shops? Scour the internet and you'll actually find a few, but reviews of this type tend to be emotionally or politically-charged rants more often than … [Read more...]
What a Christian’s Facebook Should Look Like
I've heard a lot of people, even in the secular world, bemoaning the evils of social media. And the concerns are legitimate. Virtually all of us with a computer or smartphone use some form of it--Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest--even the blog you're … [Read more...]