It's something I don't see as often anymore, but as a child I remember many of my Christian friends having giant family Bibles on display in their homes. Now these were hardly practical, easy-to-use Bibles. We had one ourselves that we displayed atop our massive 1970s stereo cabinet -- the … [Read more...]
11 Confessions of a Thoroughly Imperfect Mom
Not so long ago I heard from a reader who was under some misconceptions about me. You see, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and the "blogosphere" are designed to let people share a little of themselves with others. Note that I said "a little" of … [Read more...]
6 Things that DON’T Make Me a Bad Mom
I'm pretty sure most of us would agree: You don't have to look very hard to find examples of bad parenting. But what I find frustrating sometimes is that often really, really bad parenting is overlooked or somehow excused provided there's some social or economic … [Read more...]