There's no question about it: you can have a happy, fully successful homeschool year without ever attending a homeschooling convention. You can provide your children with a solid education and be a positive, focused, contented homeschooling mom or dad, all without ever setting one foot into a … [Read more...]
Why We Don’t Do Book Reports
When I first started into homeschooling, and especially as I began following various homeschooling blogs and Facebook pages, I was pretty amused at the things I found were controversial in the homeschooling community. I once got wrapped up in a pretty heated discussion about whether or … [Read more...]
How I Use “Of the Week” in Our Homeschool
Back in the days when I was a homeschooling newbie, I spent a lot of time studying online reviews and scouring through stacks of new and used textbooks, all in search of the one great curriculum that would cover absolutely everything I deemed important for my children to learn. Little did I know … [Read more...]
To the Dear Old Man Who Thinks Only the “Experts” Should Be Teaching My Children
This isn't even MY story and yet I can't help but take it on as personally as if it had happened to me. Sometimes sincere, well-meaning people can have the most ill-conceived ideas. I have a friend who is a first-year homeschooling mom. She has decided to home educate her children … [Read more...]
A Big Job for the New Year
I guess we all look ahead to the New Year spread before us with great hopes and plans. It's a clean slate, another 12 months of opportunity. There are things I hope to accomplish this year. I want to be more organized in 2013, especially where family laundry, (my most dreaded household … [Read more...]
Answering the Homeschooling Skeptic–How Can Your Child Possibly Respect You As the Teacher When You’re Really Just MOM?
Some things we accept as truth because they are all we've ever known. And there are a great many things about education and about learning in general that have been affected, (i.e. tainted,) by a century of compulsory school attendance laws. And since a remarkable number … [Read more...]
The Nina, the Pinta, and the Teachable Moment
It's amazing the way homeschooling changes how you think! I didn't used to look at the simple and mundane things of life and see incredible learning opportunities, nor did I become giddy with excitement over discounted classroom visuals, local battle reenactments, and free museum admissions. … [Read more...]