It's seems like a no-brainer, right? Go to the big-name homeschooling curriculum website, add "Grade X" kit to your shopping cart, click 'submit order', and then wait for the box of books to arrive on your doorstep. Bam! You're ready to homeschool! What could be easier? So if … [Read more...]
Tips for Wrapping Up Your Homeschool Year
We're done!!! With the exception of a field trip I have planned for today, homeschool for the 2015-2016 year is complete and I'm left with the task of tying up all the loose ends to officially close out this year and prepare for next. So what steps does a homeschooling mom take to … [Read more...]
Question Boards For Homeschool Learning
If there's anything I love about homeschooling, it's the ability to take any subject of interest and simply run with it! Just the other day a conversation about the White House somehow turned into a conversation about the secret service, which turned into another conversation about the … [Read more...]
Bound by a Homeschooling Curriculum
I'm not sure if there's anything that will lead to burn-out and all-around homeschooling misery faster than trying to use a curriculum you just don't like. There were a lot of mistakes I made early on in our homeschooling journey that nearly derailed our efforts, (actually did derail … [Read more...]
The Road that Led To Homeschool: Four Reasons Why I Didn’t Want to Homeschool
(This one was originally part of a series that, when I wrote it, was more or less half personal diary and half 'homeschooling manifesto'. The things I wrote back then still ring true in my heart and mind today. And while my blog is still unassumingly small, it has … [Read more...]
The Road that Led to Homeschool: Why Public School Just Wasn’t an Option for Us
(This is an old post of mine written back in the days when I blogged because I needed a writing outlet, mostly just to clear my head from time to time. I decided to rename and share it again, first of all, because I'm taking a very temporary hiatus from blogging, but also … [Read more...]
How I Use “Of the Week” in Our Homeschool
Back in the days when I was a homeschooling newbie, I spent a lot of time studying online reviews and scouring through stacks of new and used textbooks, all in search of the one great curriculum that would cover absolutely everything I deemed important for my children to learn. Little did I know … [Read more...]