The memory grows more worn with time and years of experience under my belt, but I still remember the early days of homeschooling, when I felt a little bit like a deer in headlights, thinking to myself sometimes, "Whoa! How did I get here?" Because you have to understand … [Read more...]
In Case You Ever Wondered: Why My Homeschooled Kids Don’t Know What Grade They’re In
I haven't lost my ability to THINK like a traditional schooler. I spent a lot of years going to public school and then more years thinking my kids would do the same, so I know exactly the things I would have thought were weird about homeschooling. And this is one of them. … [Read more...]
The Road that Led to Homeschool: Why Public School Just Wasn’t an Option for Us
(This is an old post of mine written back in the days when I blogged because I needed a writing outlet, mostly just to clear my head from time to time. I decided to rename and share it again, first of all, because I'm taking a very temporary hiatus from blogging, but also … [Read more...]
When its Chaos-Week in Your Homeschool
No matter how organized a mom you are; no matter how detailed your scheduling or how meticulous your record-keeping; no matter how much forethought and preparation you put into it your homeschool, there will be days, and maybe even weeks, when chaos seems to reign … [Read more...]
5 Things I DON’T MISS About Sending My Kids to “Real School”
After a long and glorious summer, we started back to school yesterday. And, boy, do I have a lot of learning to do! This year we've added a Kindergartner to our homeschool and changed things up a bit for my oldest and, honestly, at this point I'm not sure just how all the … [Read more...]
6 Ways I’m Rewarded for Homeschooling
We are a homeschooling family and WE LOVE IT! We believe in the rightness of it and in the educational advantage of it. And give us half a chance and we'll be trying to convince you to homeschool, too! But that said, I never want a prospective homeschooler looking at home education … [Read more...]
The Not-So-Glorious Side of Homeschooling
I wish I woke up every day inspired and energized and eager to teach my children all the wonderful things I want them to learn. But I don't. I wish my kids woke up each day with bright smiles and thankful hearts, grateful for the sacrifices we make to educate them at … [Read more...]