(This is an old post of mine written back in the days when I blogged because I needed a writing outlet, mostly just to clear my head from time to time. I decided to rename and share it again, first of all, because I'm taking a very temporary hiatus from blogging, but also … [Read more...]
Hands-On Activities for Read Aloud Time
Everybody knows reading to your children is a good thing. But it really wasn't until I started into homeschooling that I began to hear about the benefits of reading to your children, not from Little Critter or Dr. Seuss books, (though books like those certainly have their place,) but … [Read more...]
A Supportive Husband: The Most Valuable Homeschooling Resource
Homeschooling is not a mom-only endeavor. There are certainly families out there in which Dad is the primary educator, and many more where dads help out from time to time. But I think it's probably safe to say that in most homeschools, moms are the ones conducting the … [Read more...]
When its Chaos-Week in Your Homeschool
No matter how organized a mom you are; no matter how detailed your scheduling or how meticulous your record-keeping; no matter how much forethought and preparation you put into it your homeschool, there will be days, and maybe even weeks, when chaos seems to reign … [Read more...]
The Biggest Obstacle To You Homeschooling Your Kids
It's not 1977 anymore. Attitudes toward homeschooling are not what they once were and though, yes, there are still people out there who look upon homeschoolers with serious suspicion, doubters like that are becoming fewer and farther between. The negative attitudes toward homeschooling that … [Read more...]
How I Use “Of the Week” in Our Homeschool
Back in the days when I was a homeschooling newbie, I spent a lot of time studying online reviews and scouring through stacks of new and used textbooks, all in search of the one great curriculum that would cover absolutely everything I deemed important for my children to learn. Little did I know … [Read more...]
To the Dear Old Man Who Thinks Only the “Experts” Should Be Teaching My Children
This isn't even MY story and yet I can't help but take it on as personally as if it had happened to me. Sometimes sincere, well-meaning people can have the most ill-conceived ideas. I have a friend who is a first-year homeschooling mom. She has decided to home educate her children … [Read more...]
5 Things I DON’T MISS About Sending My Kids to “Real School”
After a long and glorious summer, we started back to school yesterday. And, boy, do I have a lot of learning to do! This year we've added a Kindergartner to our homeschool and changed things up a bit for my oldest and, honestly, at this point I'm not sure just how all the … [Read more...]
Embracing the Homeschool Mess
Sometimes you just have to give up! Accepting failure is never easy, but there are times when there is no choice but to wave the white flag of surrender and admit defeat. When you're licked, you're licked. And I have definitely been defeated. The homeschooling mess is here to stay and … [Read more...]