With all the shopping and the parties and the programs, December is just one of those months that gets away from you before you know it! Unbelievably, Christmas is one week from today! And no, I'm not ready for it, but I'm really not stressed about it either! I refuse to stress … [Read more...]
The Not-So-Glorious Side of Homeschooling
I wish I woke up every day inspired and energized and eager to teach my children all the wonderful things I want them to learn. But I don't. I wish my kids woke up each day with bright smiles and thankful hearts, grateful for the sacrifices we make to educate them at … [Read more...]
An Autumn Day at Slow Poke Farm
Autumn is here in all her golden glory! But you can't fully appreciate the beauty of the season without venturing into the great outdoors! We did just that with a little trip to Slow Poke Farm, a local spot with lots of charm and plenty of opportunity for autumn fun with our homeschool group. … [Read more...]
Answering the Homeschooling Skeptic–How Can Your Child Possibly Respect You As the Teacher When You’re Really Just MOM?
Some things we accept as truth because they are all we've ever known. And there are a great many things about education and about learning in general that have been affected, (i.e. tainted,) by a century of compulsory school attendance laws. And since a remarkable number … [Read more...]
Making History (And Doing It My Way)
It was the first day of school my junior year. I found a seat in my U.S. History class and the teacher introduced herself and set to issuing books to all 30 of her students, which pretty much consumed the remainder of the class period. When the last book had been handed out, she stood … [Read more...]
The Nina, the Pinta, and the Teachable Moment
It's amazing the way homeschooling changes how you think! I didn't used to look at the simple and mundane things of life and see incredible learning opportunities, nor did I become giddy with excitement over discounted classroom visuals, local battle reenactments, and free museum admissions. … [Read more...]
A First Day of Homeschool
A dramatic conversion experience has a way of clouding out, at least to some extent, our memories of the past. That's by God's design, of course; old things passing away, all things becoming new. The brightness of the new life casts shadows on the old. It's a miracle of grace. The … [Read more...]
Wild Times in God’s Kingdom
(I've had so many people ask how I built the gossamer tree. I've added some detailed instructions at the very end of this post if you're interested...) We survived! Kids' Day 2012 is behind us and now I'm busy trying to catch up on all the housework I've been neglecting for weeks, even … [Read more...]
Chick-fil-A Day and Elijah the Prophet
Poor Mr. Cathy. The president of Chick-fil-A probably never dreamed the kind of political firestorm he was about to ignite when he began answering questions about his views on marriage. With the outcry his words incited, you'd have thought he had called for the stoning of every American … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Morning Sweet–Chocolate Cappuccino Muffins
I have a confession to make and I hope sharing my heart today will not lose me the trust and respect of beloved friends. So here it is; "sweets," i.e., cakes and pies and cookies and candy, etc., just aren't my favorite thing. Are you still reading or were you so disturbed by that … [Read more...]