I've been complaining about the empty space over my sofa for...well...way too long! Unfortunately, rather than err by hanging the wrong thing on my wall, I've instead erred by leaving the wall blank. No one feels worse about that than I do, believe me. I had an idea for that wall in … [Read more...]
The Road that Led to Homeschool: Part 1
I love long drives in the country, but more than once I've started down a road and somewhere along the way realized it wasn't taking me in the direction I wanted to go. And without knowledge of any sideroads or shortcuts to get me back on track, there was nothing I could do but … [Read more...]
My Shout-Out to the Go-To-Work Dad
My last post, (which was incredibly long ago, my apologies,) was my commendation to stay-at-home moms, the superwomen who neglect societal respect and financial gain so that they may focus solely on their children, in spite of a culture that insists dual-incomes are a necessity in our day and that a … [Read more...]
My Shout-Out to the Stay-At-Home Mom
I don't need to defend my position as a stay-at-home mom. The fact is, I believe in it and nothing anybody says is going to change my mind one iota. But I still feel a little chill run up my spine when I hear people say silly things like, "Yes, I know you're busy, but I work." … [Read more...]
George Washington Carver and the Family Peanut Experiment
Now what fun would it be to homeschool if we didn't occasionally cast off the books for some hands-on learning? We'd been talking about George Washington Carver who, in addition to being a great scientist and inventor, was also a devout and respected Christian. (Which was news to me, even though … [Read more...]
The Ever-Elusive Mrs. Perfect
There just hasn't been time or energy enough for blogging lately. I hate that, but what's a girl to do? I spent weeks preparing for Christmas and then weeks more recovering from it and blogging has fallen by the wayside. Oh, to have the ability to do it all! What a joy it would be to be … [Read more...]
One Girl’s Opinion of Homeschooling
I'm very new to homeschooling, first of all. I homeschooled one of my daughters for kindergarten a couple of years ago, but this is my first year homeschooling all of my school-age children. I have one in 6th grade, one in 2nd, a kindergartener, and a preschooler taking … [Read more...]
What the Duck Man Taught Me About Jesus
I don't like ducks very much. Come to think of it, I'm not fond of birds in general, but there was a day when I was at least very tolerant of ducks. They seem harmless enough when you don't know them very well and I'll even admit they're kind of cute, but as I've come to know ducks better, I'm … [Read more...]
Please Don’t Let My Obituary Read: She Had the Cleanest Kitchen Floor Ever
I might as well be honest. My house is messy. You don't have to look far to find dirty dishes and dust and soapscum and worst of all, clutter. But I'm okay with that. Now you notice I didn't say I like it because I don't like it one bit, but it's the reality I've been handed and I'm learning … [Read more...]
The Finished Product
I'm embarrassed that it's taken me a month to post again, but I utterly refused to post again until my Hoosier cabinet was complete. I finished it two weeks after my last post, but then it was time to get ready for a week of youth camp and then I had company coming in and...well, I'm afraid my … [Read more...]