“Whoa! How did I get here?”
And thank God for the change! If it hadn’t happened, I truly would have missed out on one of the richest blessings of my life.
But I can still remember, (because I recorded them here,) some of the things I found most startling about homeschooling. So let me share…
1. I never dreamed I could enjoy homeschooling.
I actually tried homeschooling before I ever officially homeschooled, meaning I very begrudgingly dipped my toes into homeschooling for two years, doing preschool and Kindergarten with my second child, but never with any intention of wading out into it too deeply. I homeschooled then out of necessity, not desire or calling or with any intention of continuing.
And it was awful.
Fast forward several years and imagine my surprise in finding it didn’t have to be that way! While homeschooling is hardly all sunshine and roses, (no question: it’s a tough job,) I find such purpose and fulfillment in the relationship I’m building with my children and the opportunity I have to learn with them and instill them with my values. So much of homeschooling success is dependent upon the approach and attitude of the one directing it. And, quite frankly, in the beginning my approach was very narrow-minded and my attitude was horrible.
No wonder I didn’t know there was such a thing as enjoying homeschooling!
2. I never dreamed I’d hear myself say things like, “Actually, I think tests offer a poor evaluation of a child’s learning and grading systems are largely pointless…”
Honestly? I thought only freaks talked like that. Now I’m one of the freaks.
Let’s face it: A lot of the things we view as a necessary part of education are necessary only because they are what we know from our own public school experience. Things like sitting at a desk, listening to lectures, taking notes, doing worksheets, reading and answering questions, regular testing. That’s what education is supposed to be like, right?
Wrong. That’s what SCHOOL traditionally looks like, not necessarily EDUCATION. But I didn’t begin to understand that until I started researching alternative homeschooling methods. Ditching the traditional approach has been one of the most wonderfully liberating things I have ever done in my homeschool and has proven to be a tremendous catalyst for learning in our home.
3. I never dreamed dust would bother me so little.
I used to want a clean house. Well, actually I still do, but not having it doesn’t bother me nearly so much as it used to. I’m too busy reading amazing books to my kids and telling them about people like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington Carver, and Brother Andrew. Plus I’m my kids primary tutor for math and science and whatever else we’re covering that day.
Interestingly enough, I’ve noticed that the dust doesn’t go anywhere! No matter what, it’s always in my home.
My children, however, will not be.
4. I never dreamed my house would be filled with so much homeschooling stuff!
5. I never dreamed I’d learn so much! And then find myself randomly spouting it to friends and family…
So did you know that when a bird molts a feather on one wing, it loses the exact same feather in the exact same spot on the other wing? And were you aware that the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre were actually defended in court by none other than patriot and second U.S. President John Adams?
It’s the kind of stuff I pop off with when you least expect it. And I’m thinking it’s a tendency common to homeschooling moms because on any given day I’m likely to get a text from another HS mom saying something like, “Hey, Tanya, did you know that legend says silk was discovered when a silkworm’s cocoon accidentally fell into a cup of tea?”
Is it nerdy? Yes. But it’s kind of fun, too. ๐
6. I never dreamed I’d be too excited to sleep the night before a homeschool convention.
Seriously. It’s like Christmas Eve and I’m 6 years old all over again. The anticipation is simply too much for me! At a homeschool convention there’s too much to see, too much to learn. It’s inspiration overload, which is usually just what the doctor ordered for the weary homeschooling mom!
I never want my kids to stop learning, so I should never stop learning either. I think I should always be in pursuit of new ideas and new products to make my job easier and more effective, plus be reminded why it is I do what I do and be encouraged in the effort. Homeschooling conventions are a one-stop-shop for all of those things.
7. I never dreamed I’d do strange, (and even GROSS,) things for the sake of learning.
It’s amazing the way homeschooling alters your thinking. One day in self-defense I whacked at a hornet with my flip-flop and was delighted to find I had killed it without squashing it. We were studying insects, so what did I, the homeschooling mom, do with the dead body? Why, I scooped it up and took it home for study, of course!
When you’re a homeschooling mom, you begin to see even the most ordinary and mundane things of life as wonderful opportunities for learning.
8. I never dreamed being with my children so much would make me want to be with them MORE.
I don’t want to imply that I never long for a quiet, empty house and a little more “me time”, but I really thought homeschooling would make me sick of my children. And them sick of me!
Actually, it’s had the opposite effect. There was some adjustment to be made in the beginning, but in time I found myself enjoying my kids more than I ever had before.
And homeschooling seems to have effected my children the same way. They still pester and bicker and tattle sometimes, but they also seem to enjoy one another and appreciate one another’s differences and abilities and talents in ways they never did before.
Homeschooling has held some real surprises for me. And I’m so glad I have discovered them all!
Found you at Christian Mommy Blogger! I was in a similar boat of not ever wanting to homeschool, but now think everyone should do it! I think I can agree with everything you've stated. Great post! ๐
Thank you so much! There are a few things I've been very HAPPY to learn I was wrong about and homeschooling is one of them! Now I'm heartbroken at the thought I might never have known how wonderful it could be.
Thanks for reading!
I absolutely love homeschooling!! I went to boarding school as a child and so from a young age lived away from home in a very academic and sports centered environment. Once I was married and became a Mother I realized just how much I had missed out on and we knew right away we would home educate our kids. Still trying to figure out what curriculum to use though ( our daughter just turned 5)
I think it's awesome you've already determined to homeschool. I wish now I could have done it from the very beginning! Just learn all you can before you begin and then always be willing to change course mid-stream if you need to. That's one of the beauties of homeschooling–you can always make changes if things don't seem to be working. I love having the freedom to do that!
So glad you stopped in today!
What a great article! I remember starting homeschooling 15 years ago and having such reservations. I was terrified. And honestly, I really didn't enjoy that first year. My husband wasn't on board at all. He "allowed" it, with the threat that we could send them back to the schools at any time he thought I wasn't doing a great job. Well, the Lord did an amazing work in both of our lives. We both cannot imagine ever sending our children back to the public school system. It just isn't an option for us. And, he helps run our state's Christian homeschooling organization. We would have never imagined this would be possible!
I found you over at Growing Home in the blog hop. So glad to have found you!
Blessings, Tonya
Amazing, isn't it, how God can work in our hearts and minds when we're least expecting it? I can't imagine now what I might have missed if I had never homeschooled. It breaks my heart to even think about it.
Thank the Lord for what you're doing to promote Christian homeschooling in your state. May God bless your efforts!
I'm doing my first "test the waters" year (preschool for my daughter), and I'm so excited to have found your blog! We went to our first convention a few months ago, and I LOVED it!! I can't wait to go again! ๐
Homeschool conventions can be addicting! I LOVE them! The encouragement I receive and the ideas and information I come home with are absolutely priceless to me. I'm so glad you've discovered the joy of conventions already!
I wish you the best in your homeschooling journey! So glad you found me here!
Lovely article ๐ I knew before I had kids I would homeschool and I've experienced all the lovely surprises you have. I miss my guys when I'm away from them for a little while & we do weird homeschool things too ๐
Thank you, Amy! I'm finding we homeschool moms have an awful lot in common!
Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Loved your article, thank you for sharing. I am inspired by your words, I have a four year old, decided to homeschool when he was two, I am so excited. Have a blessed weekend. Tara.
It's an adventure for sure, Tara! But it's been such a blessing!
Thanks for stopping by today!