Mom and stress. Some would probably say the words are synonymous. And there's no question, mamas: Some stages of motherhood are defined by a unique kind of craziness. Need an example? How about the newborn stage with its inexplicable crying, endless feedings and diaper changes, … [Read more...]
The Moments When I Know I’ve Done Something Right
There are those moments when I know I've done something right. It's not always. It's not even frequent enough for my liking. But it does happen. I look at my kids -- my beautiful, happy, fun family -- and I wonder, "How did this happen? How did I get … [Read more...]
My Life is Harder Than Yours
Note: It's been nearly four years since I wrote this post, but I notice this little human tendency has not changed... I heard about Gwyneth's comments and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Actress-and-mother Gwyneth Paltrow sent moms all over the country into an absolute … [Read more...]
Yes, Moms, You CAN Survive Being Home with Your Children
It's been seven days. Seven. Snow moved into our area last week, and then more came in at the close of what was already a 3-day weekend. Around here, it doesn't take much snow to cancel school, and so students have been at home now for 7 consecutive … [Read more...]
Why Our Frustrations with the Kids are So Often Our Own Fault
Listen, the last thing in the world I want to do is mommy-bash. If ever there was a woman who is sympathetic to the plight of all the hard-working, long-suffering, over-committed, under-appreciated, desperately sleep-deprived moms out there, surely it's me! And in writing … [Read more...]
7 Lifesavers For Those Days When You Don’t Want to Homeschool
I know several people homeschooling this year for the first time ever. How awesome, right? The homeschooling movement continues to grow, which can only mean good things for the future of our nation and its families. I talk to these homeschooling beginners and I feel their excitement and … [Read more...]
6 Things that DON’T Make Me a Bad Mom
I'm pretty sure most of us would agree: You don't have to look very hard to find examples of bad parenting. But what I find frustrating sometimes is that often really, really bad parenting is overlooked or somehow excused provided there's some social or economic … [Read more...]
Summer Fun: A Do-It-Yourself Slip and Slide
I don't know how the weather's been in your neck of the woods, but here in the Bluegrass is has been HOT! We've had several 90+ degree days already with seething humidity. In these parts, that kind of heat is usually reserved for late July and August, but after a cold and … [Read more...]