Mom and stress. Some would probably say the words are synonymous. And there's no question, mamas: Some stages of motherhood are defined by a unique kind of craziness. Need an example? How about the newborn stage with its inexplicable crying, endless feedings and diaper changes, … [Read more...]
The BIGGEST Reason Our Kids Aren’t More Help Around the House
There aren't many jobs out there tougher than motherhood. Child rearing is a full time job, and the fact moms often do it on little sleep and with very limited resources is truly remarkable. Not to mention all the manual labor involved! "Momming" itself is work enough, but when you … [Read more...]
The Moments When I Know I’ve Done Something Right
There are those moments when I know I've done something right. It's not always. It's not even frequent enough for my liking. But it does happen. I look at my kids -- my beautiful, happy, fun family -- and I wonder, "How did this happen? How did I get … [Read more...]
A Moment’s Neglect — The Day I Left My Baby in a Hot Car
I used to have them regularly, these nightmares of finding my child drowned. That's dark and morbid and hardly the kind of pleasantness I prefer writing about, but it was something that truly tormented me for a time. My youngest son was terrifyingly fearless as a toddler. He … [Read more...]
Why Our Frustrations with the Kids are So Often Our Own Fault
Listen, the last thing in the world I want to do is mommy-bash. If ever there was a woman who is sympathetic to the plight of all the hard-working, long-suffering, over-committed, under-appreciated, desperately sleep-deprived moms out there, surely it's me! And in writing … [Read more...]
6 Ways I’m Rewarded for Homeschooling
We are a homeschooling family and WE LOVE IT! We believe in the rightness of it and in the educational advantage of it. And give us half a chance and we'll be trying to convince you to homeschool, too! But that said, I never want a prospective homeschooler looking at home education … [Read more...]
Answering the Homeschooling Skeptic–How Can Your Child Possibly Respect You As the Teacher When You’re Really Just MOM?
Some things we accept as truth because they are all we've ever known. And there are a great many things about education and about learning in general that have been affected, (i.e. tainted,) by a century of compulsory school attendance laws. And since a remarkable number … [Read more...]
George Washington Carver and the Family Peanut Experiment
Now what fun would it be to homeschool if we didn't occasionally cast off the books for some hands-on learning? We'd been talking about George Washington Carver who, in addition to being a great scientist and inventor, was also a devout and respected Christian. (Which was news to me, even though … [Read more...]